love magic.
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love magic.
passion. synergy. play

We help those lost in love find magic + fun in partnership






  1. the interaction or cooperation of two or more agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.


to walk with you

to journey together is to move free of fear
held by your strength + presence most clear
wholly encumbered as I may once have been
our walk together has soothed me within

we chose to keep going, even when it was hard
we pushed to stay with it + not cut the cord
now here we are, some quarter century past
knowing well what it takes to make our love last



when love grows its own community…

you might never guess two love struck kids
could birth a family quite like this
but here we’re living evidence
precious things are born from bliss

We’re so blessed to have 3 amazing children, who are quickly becoming adults. Cobe 18, Kai 16 + Naiomi 14 have filled our lives to overflowing. Yes, parenting has plenty of challenges, but they’ve gifted us exponential growth + have been some of the glue that’s held us together when we’ve had deeper challenges to integrate.


you are Nature

we are not separate from nature
as we recall + embody our connection to her
we remember what it is to live in relational harmony

spending time in nature both alone + together
keeps us healthy, vibrant + feeling the abundance inherent to life
it is an important part of the deconditioning process

nature immersion is a foundational element to the retreats + adventures we curate




love magic. finca mia, Costa Rica

nov 29 :: dec 6 2022

A sublime + playful retreat in the wilds of Costa Rica. An epic week of fun, deepening bonds + intentionally harnessing our synergistic potential as couples to make magic. shared activities + experiences that will enliven the spirit, shake you into the present, + help you appreciate your relationship with Self + your partner.

Take the leap together! Expand your edges, widen your circles + dive deeper into your relationship. Partnership has the potential of synergy - taking us beyond our perceived limitations into the world of the magical.